Spokane Nordic Membership

Membership is required to register for SNSA's Development and Race Team programs. A Family Membership is included in the cost of Nordic Kids. 

This form can be used to join or renew your membership. Your gift has a huge impact on the cross-country ski community, the Mt Spokane State Park Nordic Ski Area, and the trails at Mt. Spokane. 

 Spokane Nordic Ski Association is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit organization. Any donation in excess of services received is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Membership Categories

Memberships are valid for the 2024-25 season (Expire 9/30/2025) 

Student/Senior ($30): Individual college students, and individuals over 65

Individual ($40): Basic membership for a single person, or couples over 65

Family ($60): 2 or more people living together, or parents with children (A family membership is required for participation on SNSA's youth teams) 

The price of the Nordic Kids 7-week program includes a family membership.

Friend ($100): You are showing your dedication to Spokane Nordic's mission of providing ski education and trail maintenance at the Mt. Spokane Cross-Country Ski Park.

Advocate ($250): Your gift will build the cross-country skiing community in the Spokane region.

Benefactor ($500): Your support provides a major individual impact on the growth and success of Spokane Nordic's mission.

Champion ($1,000): You are showing the deepest level of commitment and support for the cross-country ski community, with a long-lasting impact.

Spokane Nordic Ski Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Membership is for the 2024-25 Season and will be up for renewal Sept 30, 2025

Questions? email [email protected]

If you have already entered the primary member and are entering a second family member who does not have their own email address or phone number, provide the email and/or phone number that was entered for the primary member.

In checking off the Terms and Conditions box on the Spokane Nordic on-line membership form, I recognize that cross-country skiing involves strenuous activities, is potentially hazardous, and involves inherent risk. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk for my actions and my family’s actions while cross-country skiing, during travel related to Spokane Nordic activities or during use of Spokane Nordic facilities and equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, falls collisions, effects of weather, conditions of equipment and trails and other areas while skiing or participating in Spokane Nordic activities. I hereby for myself, my heir, administrators, or anyone else who may bring claims on my or my family members’ behalf, covenant not to sue, release and discharge the Spokane Nordic Ski Association, its Board and Committee members, ski coaches and volunteers, and all related organizations or individuals, for any and all claims of liability for death, personal injury, or property damage arising from my or my family members’ participation in Spokane Nordic activities.

I also give permission for any and all photos taken of me and family members while involved in ski-related activities to be used in Spokane Nordic publicity materials, news articles and other items that promote Spokane Nordic Ski Association, its programs and cross-country skiing.


If you would like to make a donation above and beyond your membership, you can do so on the donation form.

Spokane Nordic Ski Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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